Why I work on donation
Offering the sessions on a donation basis feels closest to me. I believe in a world in which everyone has equal access to all essential necessities of life and preventive self-care (daily hygiene). Exchanging what we have with each other in balance feels to me like the most natural essence of living together. By working on a donation basis, I can contribute to let more people experience a society where I feel life is more comfortable.
“give freely for yourself and others”


Approaching the hip girdle in all different shapes

Strap work is most important for the whole system

Showing your inner tailor how your suite fits you standing
What does giving a donation mean?
What does giving a donation mean?
Giving a donation instead of paying a fixed amount is a process in itself. It's new to most of us.
You get full control how you value your practice.
Payment on a donation basis provides a different view of our current world. The concept; what is used in some catering establishments; you may be familiar with paying for a second cup of coffee for someone else. Also read the concept of solidarity payments and CSA gardens.
I believe that everything, especially good health, should be accessible to everyone. Only together can we initiate this process so that it can expand automatically.
“Open free spaces to work together, with yourself”
How do you decide the value of your donation
I would like to invite you to feel what the sessions as a form of self-care give you and value it according to your own possibility. How important is it in your life? How important are you? Do you dare to take time for and with yourself?
Your donation is what the practice and exchange with me gives you valued by yourself in balance with your own financieel situation.
What do you include in your valuation?
When you first start the sessions, you can't estimate what it will do for you, so start with an amount that suits you.
Determine the value again and again and take back control. Avoid dormant subscriptions such as those at the gym.
What do the sessions and the exchange with me bring to your life?
What benefits do you receive?
How often do you use the sessions offered? How does the accessibility & quantity feel?
How much do you normally spend for a therapeutic treatment?
What does an average lesson cost from a teacher with extensive experience in a studio?
How are you doing financially? Do you have room to pay (part of a) lesson for someone else?
Your donation is not a payment for what has been given by me. Your donation shows what you wish to receive for and through yourself. It is a signal within yourself how important self-care is to you.
Of course you can also include my investment in time, training, knowledge, presence, etc. in your value, but that is not your main focus.
NOTE: Many think that donation means not paying tax & VAT, but unfortunately the opposite is the case. Please know that every donation is taxed with 21% VAT and IB. Rhe-set is located in Belguim so between the NL and BE we do not pay VAT so if you have your own company the facture is with 0% VAT


Approaching the hip girdle in all different shapes

Showing your inner tailor how your suite fits you standing

Strap work is most important for the whole system
“Never stop learning from each other”
Donate through one of the options
Please read text above and below to understand how to choose your amount of donation.
When you inscribe for a monthly membership you will receive a reminder through your mailbox.
Would you like to try a session? It is almost for free you can do a one time donation of 1 euro so you receive the codes through mail.
If you like to donate directly at my bank account in Belguim you can send it to:
Name: Rhea Stiekema, Rhe-set
Bank: CBC
Bank account: BE98 7320 7589 7093
Communication: Name and period of membership
TVA (BTW) nr: BE 1012.116.707
One time
Comment (optional)

Approaching the hip girdle in all different shapes

Teaching in France after intense story


Showing your inner tailor how your suite fits you standing